Sunday, December 16, 2007

Week 9, Exercises 20-23

I've heard a lot about YouTube, but I haven't had time to explore it. I really enjoyed exploring it. This site is free and offeres so many interesting videos in any topic. We can easily upload video content and embed clips into our site.
We really deserve a heart laugh with Mr. Bean at the Library after learning so many new things.

Mr. Bean at the Library

Till now I haven't been familiar with podcasts. Now I've learned that they are non-musical audio sometimes video recordings available online and that we don't need an iPod to listen to them.I explored and Podcast Alley. didn'y work for me. My computer froze several times and I had to restart it. It takes time to find a useful podcast in this vast ocean of podcasts. Finally I found an interesting podcast about the history of Rome and and added the RSS feed for it to my blog.

For the 22nd exercise I familiarized myself with the structure of NetLibrary's ebooks by watching the Introduction to NetLibrary. I created a free NetLibrary account via my library account. I found some interesting ebooks and added them to my favourites. One day I would probably try to read them by downloading them to my PC, although I prefer reading printed books.

This is not the end. This is just the beginning...

I enjoyed every moment of Learning 2.0. I am really happy I learnt so many things about web 2.0 that I had not been familiar with. And I had a lot of fun, too.

Congratulations to the team for this wonderful learning journey!

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